Although the Shinobi Kai Ninpo Bugei Dojo was opened in 1991 it existed as a training group long beforehand, previously known as Ninjutsu South Coast.The Shinobi Kai Dojo was established shortly after Sensei Peter Browns decision to leave both the Bujinkan and Genbukan.Its founder, Sensei Peter Brown, was the first person in England to study Ninjutsu and regularly travelled to Sweden to train with Sensei Bo Munthe.In its early days the Shinobi Kai was fully recognised by both the Bujinkan under Master Hatsumi and the Genbukan under Master Tanemura.Sensei Peter Brown and his senior instructor, Mark Lutman, were the first two people in England to be graded by both masters.The Shinobi Kai has maintained its close links with the Bujinkan and Genbukan and now occupies an almost unique position within the world of Ninjutsu. The Shinobi Kai also has close links with Stephen Hayes Quest orgainsation.We now have in excess of twenty Dan grades and have Dojo?s throughout the South Coast. Dojos have been opened in Chichester, Cheltenham, Stoke on Trent, Yeovil and Basingstoke. In addition the Shinobi Kai has affiliated Dojo in Romford, Kettering and Rimini (Italy).No one is ever turned away from the doors of a Shinobi Kai Dojo on the grounds of affiliation. All true students of Ninjutsu are welcome.In order to promote true Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu, the Shinobi Kai operates an affiliates program for individuals, instructors and other Dojo and associations, as well as those purely seeking knowledge of this most ancient of arts.
